Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jello Flower Samples

Okay peeps, so here's the dealio. I made this little blog so that I could show you more pictures than I can through e-mail. Today I went over to Katherine's for part 2 of the flower practicing. First thing first, the jello is tough to make and takes way longer than the instructions say, BUT that being said, I think it has some really good potential to be cool. I would go through each picture and tell you what didn't work out well and what I would do differently.
The jello was taking a long time to firm up, so i had to leave katherine's house and put the vases in a box and bring them with me. I got home, put them in the fridge, helped spencer eat some dinner, started making my dinner and then checked on the vases. They were now too firm to put the fruit in. The smaller two I was able to microwave to make liquidy again, but the big one wouldn't fit in the microwave, so that is why the strawberries are not all the way down to the bottom. Next time I would obviously put the strawberries in earlier. That way the stems would be mostly covered up too. How do you feel about the jello color? I ended up using gelatin and food coloring instead of jello because it was cheaper. What do you think about the flowers coming out of the top? I like them
The look from above. You will have to excuse the falsh in some of the pictures, and the darkness in some of the others. I was running out of daylight.

Here is an outside shot to get the color more accurate.
Excuse the ugly patio, and imagine this instead on a beautiful table.
Obviously we want more strawberries in the bottom.
How do you feel about the amount of flowers in the vase?
Too much, too little?

With the flash. OH and none of these pictures are edited.

You can see some air bubbles from the jello being too firm when I inserted the berries, this will hopefully not happen next time.

Okay 3 things: 1. this is out of place in the progression of pictures, but blogger is wierd like that sometimes. 2. The big gerber daisies are huge for this kind of thing and we will use daisies that are 2/3 this size, so it won't look so clowny.
3. It will have more "greenery" behind it than just the one tiny loop. again, I had to leave katie's house and I forgot to bring some greenery with me.
These are possible mother's corsages. Could be done in any color or combination of the colors.
What do you think? I am totally open to any suggestions, but think they could look cool if the flowers were smaller and there was a little more green.
And of course there would be some ribbon too.

The yellow and orange were not firm because I microwaved them, but I was running out of daylight so I thought I would take pictures just for the overall color effect. 3 things:
1. In this picture the yellow daisies are not staying down because the jello is not firm enough.
2. This vase would ideally be the same width as the red vase
3. If the vase is wider i think the big gerber daisies would look okay, otherwise we might want to use smaller gerbers. what do you think?


All three. So, I forgot my orange at katherine's so the orange jello has lemons in it. I think it will look more orange when it has orange slices in it. So aside from that, what do you think of the colors?
Also, the orange was obviously not set so that is why the lemons are floating in it.

I took the same picture 4 times.

upclose, to see the colors clearly.

Okay, so this is random, but i threw together, without the correct supplies, a ssmple bridesmaid boquet.

From the top. This boquet used 6 gerber daiseys while andrea's used i think 10? Just to give you a size difference.
It could have whatever color ribbon. And be whatever thinkness of thinness of ribbon you want.

OH, and i didn't trim the ends of the ribbon, so if they look bad that is why. Don't worry, in real life I will trim them.

This was after the jello sat in the fridge a little longer. I managed to get the lemons submerged.

BUt ideally I think some of the "orange" slices would be right up against the glass.

I like the top better with one on it's side.

A little squished in there.

One last look.

OKay, so i do NOT like how these balls turned out at all!
1. I didn't make the handle long enough.
2. It is not very "ball" shaped. This is because I didn't have a moss ball thingy, i had a rectangle that I tried to cut into a ball- didn't work so well. IF we did these we would buy the real balls.
3. I think these would need the smaller gerber's as well.
What do you think?

So let me know what you think. I'm just really glad I practiced. It was hard, but will be much easier next time and will look a lot better too. I will not be offended by any comments, becuase obviously this is my first time doing this and I know there is a lot of room fro improvement :)

1 comment:

  1. What fun ideas! I love them! Has your friend ever done contrasting colors with the jello? i.e. putting yellow gerbera daisies with the red jello? Just a thought. I think the fruit should be the same color (strawberries in red, etc.). I also liked the flowers in the jello. That looked cool. We had gerbera daisies for our wedding too. We also had brides maids bouquets with them too. I think they had 3 flowers each. I can't remember. Maybe if I have time (Ha!) I will scan and post some if I can. Yay! I am so excited!
